California Cashmere Company offers cashmere products, services, information & experience. Quality products include cashmere fiber, yarn, knitwear and cashmere producing goats. Exceptional service: brokering, dehairing, classes, tours, speaking and fiber consulting. Reliable information concerning fiber production, processing, pricing, marketing and value added.
Products and services are provided by the Al-Rafiq's at their cashmere ranch in Calaveras County, California.
CASHMERE PRODUCTS: cashmere fiber, cashmere yarn, cashmere scarf, cashmere shawl, cashmere sliver, cashmere knitting and spinning gifts, cashmere fleece, cashmere goats, cashmere fiber production, qualifying cashmere.
CASHMERE SERVICES: cashmere tours, cashmere goats, brokering, cashmere dehairing, cashmere scouring, cashmere washing, cashmere cleaning, dehairing, processing, ranch management classes, cashmere fiber classing, cashmere fiber consulting, information, cashmere classes, cashmere fiber grading, cashmere speakers, cashmere tours, cashmere identification, agriculture tours, ranch visits, farm tours, cashmere breeding, cashmere production and harvesting, cashmere goat farm information.
California Cashmere Company is affiliated with CFAA (Cashmere Fiber Association of the Americas). This organization's primary function is to provide educational information to the public on cashmere fiber and cashmere producing goats.
Site built by Al-Rafiq Enterprises